Retail PR & Digital Marketing

Seven Ways Companies Can Reduce Burnout And Bring Out The Best In Their Employees

ChicExecs Senior VP of PR and Digital Marketing, Kristen Wessel, shares seven ways companies can reduce burnout and bring out the best in their employees on Forbes blog. Below is an excerpt from the piece.

As an employer, you don’t have complete control over your employees’ well-being. However, you can do plenty of things to minimize burnout—starting with how you structure your business.

You may be better able to retain your team, improve results, reduce stress and run a good business by reducing burnout on your team. Try these seven techniques to overcome burnout and bring out the best in your team.

1. Invest in ergonomics.

Did you know that ergonomic injuries accounted for 30% of days away from work in 2018? A poor ergonomic setup may be a detriment to your employees, so it’s critical to ensure they’re comfortable at work.

2. Set boundaries.

More than one-third of employees McKinsey surveyed feel they have to be “always-on” or available 24/7 at work. In practice, that means your team may never have time away from the office to recharge, which is a recipe for burnout. It’s no wonder that Portugal made after-hours emails illegal.

3. Rebalance workloads.

Unreasonable deadlines may contribute to employee burnout. As a leader, it’s your job to keep employees’ workloads as balanced as possible.

4. Encourage employees to take vacation time.

PTO is an essential benefit for your employees. But so many workplaces discourage employees from using their PTO.

It’s good to take time away from work. Actually, I’ve found that regular PTO allows me to recharge, think more creatively and take on bigger projects.

5. Offer flexible work options.

Fifty-six percent of workers believe having flexibility in their workday is a way for management to support them, according to a 2020 workplace mental health survey from FlexJobs and Mental Health America. The pandemic proved that many jobs could be done remotely, so unless there’s a pressing business need to have employees present in person, offer remote work.

6. Train your managers.

According to a recent Flexjobs survey, poor management is one of the biggest reasons employees quit their jobs. While employees need training to do their jobs well, managers should also receive regular coaching.

7. Be an example.

As a leader, you have to set an example for your team. If you have a burnout culture and want to make a change, you should be the first one to change.

Read Kristen entire article on Forbes here.


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