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How To Make Your Brand’s Story Stand Out In A Saturated Market

ChicExecs Co-Founder and Co-President, Kailynn Bowling, shares how to make your brand’s story stand out in a saturated market on Forbes blog. Check out this highlight from the feature.

Follow these six tips to make your brand stand out from your competitors.

1. Nail The Branding Basics

Are you using blurry images or outdated Comic Sans font in your branding? If you want to stand out, you need to nail your branding basics first. That means making sure you have the best business name, logo and packaging. If shoppers think your brand is outdated or untrustworthy, they aren’t going to buy from you.

2. Find Your Differentiator

It’s hard standing out if you offer the same products as 50 other brands. So, what makes you unique? Why should shoppers choose you over everyone else?

Find a differentiator for your business. This means finding gaps in the industry, in your competitors’ products or in shopper reviews. If you can’t find a gap, try giving more than your competitors do, whether that’s in terms of features, packaging, shipping charges, etc.

3. Tell A Real Story

Your competitors might be able to copy your products or steal your customers, but they can never take your story away from you. And the more interesting and unique your brand’s story, the more likely you are to be a forerunner in your market.

4. Specialize In Something

If you aren’t different enough from your competitors, it’s time to rethink your products and operations. In a world where brands are trying to be everything to everyone, you need to specialize.

5. Prioritize Customer Service

Ninety percent of shoppers say customer service is a big factor in their buying decisions. If they have to choose between you and a competitor, they’re going to shop with the brand that gives them the better experience.

6. Go After Partnerships

If you co-brand with a complementary business, you double your audience and split up the work. For example, if you sell artisanal socks, you can partner up with a shoe brand for a YouTube series.

Read Kailynn’s entire blog on How To Make Your Brand’s Story Stand Out In a Saturated Market here.


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