Retail PR & Digital Marketing

Five Tips For Better Branded Content During A Crisis

ChicExecs Senior VP of PR and Digital Marketing Kristen Wessel shares five tips for better branded content during a crisis on Forbes blog. Below is a highlight to enjoy.

It’s no secret that the world is going through a crisis. While nobody was quite prepared for the fallout of the pandemic, business owners still have the responsibility of communicating thoughtfully during hard times.

Lean into this new world and write content that resonates with customers. Instead of ignoring the crisis, tackle it head-on with content that humanizes your brand and boosts trust.

Five Approaches To Content During A Crisis

If you’re at a loss for what to say right now, follow these five best practices to craft better content in a crisis.

1. Keep the lines of communication open.

The No. 1 rule of crisis communications is to never ignore the crisis. Communicate for the new reality with your customers, even if that means saying, “We don’t know what to say. But we care about you.”

Instead of muting your social media for all of 2020 or pretending the world isn’t in a crisis, create topical content. What do your customers care about right now? Don’t be afraid to address the issue.

Your customers are likely spending way more time on social media right now. If anything, a crisis is your chance to increase posting frequency. This is critical to boost brand affinity and deepen customer relationships.

2. Send official information through a newsletter.

Need to send official communications to your customers? Instead of posting everything to Instagram, send official notices through email. I’ve found that’s where customers expect to see important updates, like safety procedures, closings and order details.

3. Discount and bundle.

During a crisis, your customers might not always be able to pay the full price for your product or service. If it makes sense for your business, consider offering deals that entice customers to buy if they’re able.

4. Develop initiatives that give back.

Crises bring so many challenges. If your business is in a position to give back, do it. It’s not only the right thing to do, but it can also deepen your customer relationships and lead to earned media.

Give back in whatever way you can. During the current crisis, that might mean:

• Sharing more free videos and resources than usual.

• Giving away a free product that you would normally charge for. For example, many software-as-a-service (SaaS) businesses are giving three months of free service right now.

• Flexing to customer needs. Extend your hours, offer convenient curbside pickup or delivery, or remove late fees.

5. Share positive stories.

Try to share positive, uplifting content that brings customers out of their funk. Support your community and share positive stories, both about your brand and the world.

Read Kristen’s blog in its entirety here.


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