Retail PR & Digital Marketing


How Hybrid Work Environments Empower Employees

ChicExecs Co-Founder and Co-President, Nikki Carlson, shares her tips on how hybrid work environments empower employees on Newsweek. Here’s a highlight from the feature. Hybrid work is already becoming a mainstay in office jobs. Here’s why your organization should buck up and make the switch to hybrid work. 1. Increased Productivity Happy employees are productive employees. Instead […]

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Five Ways To Improve Employee Morale With One-On-One Connection

ChicExecs Senior VP of Elevate, Lydia Vargo, shares the five ways to improve employee moral with one-on-one connection on Forbes blog. Enjoy this highlight from the piece. As a leader, you need to invest in your people, which includes treating them like the unique humans they are. With regular one-on-one interaction, you can improve employee morale, productivity and retention

Five Ways To Improve Employee Morale With One-On-One Connection Read More »

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