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Five Tips For Nurturing Leads Virtually

ChicExecs Senior VP of Elevate Lydia Vargo shares five time for nurturing leads virtually on Forbes blog. Enjoy this highlight from the piece.

In a world where it is no longer practical to connect with every prospect face-to-face, it is critical that as a business you embrace virtual growth as much as possible. In the 2020 Lead Nurturing Survey Report from DemandGen, a survey of 120 B2B marketing, sales and IT executives showed that 27% of respondents saw a 10% or higher increase in sales opportunities from their nurtured leads.

More business for less work? Yes, please.

Virtual lead nurturing connects you with more customers for less hassle. However, transitioning to cultivating leads virtually can often feel overwhelming. Try these five tips to nurture more leads in less time.

1. Plug It All Into A CRM

Trying to keep track of all your leads? At a certain point, it’s impossible without a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. A CRM will not only help you track leads’ information, but every touchpoint they have with your business before they make a purchase.

2. Go All-In On Personalized Content Marketing

Many people are not ready to buy when they first visit your website. Instead of bombarding them with bottom-of-the-funnel calls to action like “Buy now,” try something better suited for where they are at currently.

If you haven’t already, create buyer personas for your business using tools and guides available, like this one from HubSpot. The key to better lead nurturing is to define your personas (most businesses have three to five) and create funnel-specific content for each one.

3. Send Emails

In a survey from Ascend2, “increasing lead generation” was cited as one of the top three objectives of email marketing. The great thing about nurturing with emails is that the right email marketing platform will automate the hard work for you.

4. Reach Out On Social Media

Do you have a lead’s email address? Social media advertising platforms will allow you to upload a list of existing customer’s emails for ad targeting purposes. This is the perfect way to retarget leads while continuing to care for your existing customers.

5. Host Digital Events

From renting a venue to paying for catering, in-person events are an expensive (but effective) way to nurture your leads. However, why pay thousands of dollars to host an event when you can create one on for nearly $0?

You can host a free digital event such as:

  • An in-depth workshop or training.
  • A mini-conference for people in your industry.
  • A Q&A with a popular industry figure.

Read Lydia’s entire blog here.


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