ChicExecs Co-Founder and Co-President Nikki Carlson shares her tips on why your 2020 marketing strategy should include influencers on Forbes blog. Enjoy this brief excerpt from the piece.
Influencer marketing is a modern form of word-of-mouth marketing. Through influencers, your brand has the power to influence people’s purchasing decisions.
Brands need influencer marketing in 2020 for five key reasons.
1. Be competitive.
Statistically speaking, there’s a very good chance your competitors are already investing in influencer marketing. If so, that means they have an entire marketing channel at their disposal that you aren’t using. Translation: You’re giving competitors an edge by not doing influencer marketing. Influencer marketing evens the playing field (and can even give you an advantage).
2. Build immediate trust.
It takes months of hard work to build trust with your audience. But with an influencer, you have an immediate in with an audience that is primed to trust your message — 63% of customers aged 18-34 trust influencers more than branded advertising. When you need a deeper connection with your audience, influencer marketing gets you there.
3. Create better content.
Influencers connect with people for a living. They know what content resonates with their audience. Instead of racking your brain to write a sponsored post, let the influencer handle the content side. You’ll get better content and results — while saving time to focus on other elements of your business.
4. Amplify and engage.
Influencers are motivated to get more results for your brand, which means they’re more than willing to amplify your reach beyond one platform. And that’s key to getting more engagement with your target audience.
5. Boost revenue.
Influencer marketing isn’t a “fluffy” marketing strategy. While 84% of marketers find that proving the ROI of influencer marketing is a challenge, some studies have found that the ROI is as much as $6.50 for every $1 spent. When you need to boost the bottom line, influencers are the way to go.
Read Nikki’s entire blog here.